

2015年6月23日讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,来自美国加州大学旧金山分校的研究人员在国际学术期刊cell发表了一项最新研究进展,他们发现在小鼠中,成年神经干细胞在小鼠出生之前就已经发生了基因的预编程,会形成特定类型的神经元细胞。
Embryonic Origin of Postnatal Neural Stem Cells
Luis C. Fuentealba1, Santiago B. Rompani2, Jose I. Parraguez1, Kirsten Obernier1, Ricardo Romero1, Constance L. Cepko2, Arturo Alvarez-Buylla
Adult neural stem/progenitor (B1) cells within the walls of the lateral ventricles generate different types of neurons for the olfactory bulb (OB). The location of B1 cells determines the types of OB neurons they generate. Here we show that the majority of mouse B1 cell precursors are produced between embryonic days (E) 13.5 and 15.5 and remain largely quiescent until they become reactivated postnatally. Using a retroviral library carrying over 100,000 genetic tags, we found that B1 cells share a common progenitor with embryonic cells of the cortex, striatum, and septum, but this lineage relationship is lost before E15.5. The regional specification of B1 cells is evident as early as E11.5 and is spatially linked to the production of neurons that populate different areas of the forebrain. This study reveals an early embryonic regional specification of postnatal neural stem cells and the lineage relationship between them and embryonic progenitor cells.